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Intervale Center Burlington Vermont Wedding – Dylan and Pilar

Dylan & Pilar married on a spring May day at the Intervale Center in Burlington, Vermont.

“The Intervale’s beauty inspired us to just keep things simple; our focus and splurging went to flowers and lighting.” Dylan agreed with Pilar, “Vermont was our main inspiration. We’d always thought we’d get married farther south, closer to home, but as we started actually planning we realized how much we love Vermont and wanted to have our wedding experience here. The visual theme might best be described as simple and natural. Mostly highlighting the natural textures and colors of the barn with some beautiful flower arrangements by our friend at Unfurled Vermont.” 

Dylan & Pilar got ready for the day and met me at the Community Barn for the first look and few final floral touches provided by Laura of Unfurled Vermont. It was quite damp outside as it had been raining all day, and continued to drizzle, but with a little help of some clear umbrellas, they were still able to start the wedding with the first look outside under a willow tree. 

“I loved the first look and getting to see Pilar in her dress before the ceremony. I think we were both a bit anxious and nervous but seeing each other before the ceremony really helped to calm our nerves.” – Dylan

I’d like to note that the mosquitoes were particularly, and usually, vicious at this wedding.  Even with lots of bug spray, being the only people outside meant we were the main attraction for those pesky insects. Yet, Dylan & Pilar were absolutely present and joyful to see each other throughout the wedding and portrait sessions. These two were focused on what really mattered, spending time together to celebrate this moment. 

“There was one moment where we were walking back from taking pictures and just got to see all of our closest friends and family just laughing, drinking and eating in the barn and I felt very lucky. It was so surreal to be able to share this moment with all of them.” – Pilar

Other favorites moments from the day include, 

“Dylan’s Dad tried to sneak in a picture with his phone from behind a post, but was really getting in your way of taking the picture and just hearing 10 people yell out ‘Steve.’  Makes me laugh every time I think of it. 

I really enjoyed getting to walk down the aisle with my parents and sharing that moment with the both of them as we walked towards Dylan and all of our best friends. I loved the speeches that our brothers gave! I didn’t realize how much time and practice had gone into them and was really blown away by how thoughtful all of them were. We are very lucky to be a part of very supportive families.” – Pilar

“I really loved the impromptu rave we had toward the end of the night. Pilar’s brother made an announcement for everyone to grab glow sticks that were taped underneath the tables and everyone was waving around hundreds of glow sticks and we turned all the lights off in the barn and the DJ seamlessly transitioned into more clubby music. It was really cool and completely spontaneous.” – Dylan

On advice to other couples planning a wedding, 

“At the beginning of the process we struggled with what we thought others would want, compared to what we actually wanted, and I’m glad we really focused on what we wanted out of our wedding. For us it was pizza, good beer, and dancing. “ – Pilar

“I think everyones weddings, goals, financial situations, and lives are so different. I guess the main thing is to just not let it stress you out. Ultimately it should be about creating a great experience for everyone involved. “ – Dylan

Venue: Intervale Center in Burlington, Vermont

Florist: Unfurled Vermont

Catering: Flatbread

DJ: DJ Johnny Utah

Rings: Etsy

Dress: Fame & Partners

Hair: Indigo Salon

Groom & Groomsmen Suit: J Crew


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