The longer I spend photographing any particular topic, the deeper the photographs. Each image begins with asking a question, and through the photographic process I try to find an answer. Some of my favorite projects include traveling internationally to document humanitarian efforts in Central America and East Africa, and documenting Ben & Jerry on the campaign trail of Bernie Sanders. My work has been published in National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, and The Chicago Tribune among others.


mexico, guatemala, nicaragua

Food 4 Farmers is a non profit that works with coffee farmers in Latin America to address the problem of “los meses flacos,” or “the thin months.” Every year, coffee farmers and their families experience 1-4 months of starvation, when there is nothing left to harvest or sell, and therefore no income to provide for their family. Food 4 Farmers addresses this complex issue by teaching farmers a new trade that will enable them to have an alternative source of income throughout the year.

Learn more here

omo river valley

ethiopia & Kenya

I traveled with the award winning photographer, Jane Baldwin, to Ethiopia's Omo River Valley and Kenya's Lake Turkana to assist Jane with her ten year photographic, film and multi-sensory project Kara Women Speak. Jane’s project "documents the women in their own voices capturing the stories of the humanitarian and environmental issues—issues which threaten all the communities of the Omo River watershed; revealing the humanity of the women and their communities, whose stories might otherwise disappear.” 



I capture families in their element by choosing a familiar setting and spending the majority of the session playing, laughing and letting the moment happen. 

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MArtini Weddings

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dapibus facilisis hendrerit. Mauris pellentesque erat in risus sagittis, ut interdum massa tempor. Integer pulvinar efficitur ex et viverra.

Ben & Jerry


Ben & Jerry took to the campaign trail to support Democratic Candidate Bernie Sanders. "We've seen Bernie first hand in action and he's been steadfast in working for veterans, students, seniors, and working class families. The system is rigged to the advantage of the super wealthy and corporations. And he's the only one who is willing to take them on." - Jerry

a quiet cadence

portrait series

The intuitive intimacy of nude portraiture leads to conversations on love, longing and loneliness with 20 somethings in New York State. Every portrait session took place on the same bed.


portrait series

Each photograph is a dramatic retelling of a significant moment conveying the convoluted feelings that surround anxiety and storytelling. The drama within the image signifies the intensity of the emotion. Featured in National Geographic.


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