Illuminating remarkable stories with photography
that feels beautiful, sincere and intuitive

Shelburne Farms Engagement Session in Shelburne, Vermont – Gussie and Connor

Gussie & Connor are one of those couples who clicked right away.

“Right from our first date in early May 2018, I knew that I had found someone special. Gussie’s quick wit and adorable personality lured me in from the moment we met. After our trip in early July to my families lake house in Canada, I knew that she was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. It was no surprise to me how easy it was for her to assimilate into not only my immediate family, but extended family as well.” – Connor

“I knew early on that I loved Connor very much. We met in May and by the end of the summer I had fallen in love with him. I had spent many days at their lake house in Canada and by Christmas I had had the honor of being a part of multiple Logan holidays. At that point I felt very welcomed into his family and his life and I knew I would spend the rest of my life with him.” – Gussie

You might recognize this couple from their Elegant Lake Champlain Backyard Wedding in South Hero, Vermont and Gussie modeling for Thirst Coconut Water.



“The engagement took place in South Hero, VT! I wanted to propose somewhere that meant a lot to Gussie. I had spent most of the afternoon helping Ronan, her dad, take out the dock while Gussie read and slept on the beach chair with the family dog, Yogi. By late afternoon we decided to a kayak around the island. I figured with was my chance since Lee and Ronan had gone up to the house, who were aware I was proposing that day. To my surprise, Gussie had already started bringing the kayak onto the water! I acted quickly and made my way over in the knee high water. I kneeled down in the water and asked her to marry me. It was a gorgeous day, in a special place, with the perfect girl. I couldn’t have asked for a better scenario.” – Connor

“While I was dragging the kayak on the rocks and into the ankle deep water Connor asked me to wait up. I turned around as Connor was reaching into his pocket. He got down on one knee in the water and proposed! Short and sweet, and wonderful. We proceeded to go for a short kayak and that is when I learned that Connor had talked to my parents days before and everyone knew what was going on besides me! Connor planned an engagement dinner up at the house that evening with his parents, my parents, my sister and her partner, and my grandmother. It was a lovely evening full of love, champagne and yummy food.” – Gussie



When it came to choosing the engagement ring, they worked together to find the right one.

“Connor’s brother has a jeweler in Boston that comes highly recommended. Rob went in and worked his magic as he often does, and picked out the diamond. We like to refer to him as our ring broker! A couple weekends later we all went in to E.B. Horn, made the final edits, and the next time I saw the ring was at the proposal!” – Gussie

“Even now she still makes comments about how much she loves the ring and that always brings a smile to my face.” – Connor



Gussie is a health care professional and is a Family Nurse Practitioner in Vermont. She is one of those people who is helping keep families healthy during this global pandemic. I’m incredibly proud of her and so grateful for all her hard work.

“I get to wear N95, face shield and gloves during visits. Very chic.” – Gussie

Venue: Shelburne Farms // Ring: E.B. Horn


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