Illuminating remarkable stories with photography
that feels beautiful, sincere and intuitive

Dreamy Days

Over the past few months I’ve been experimenting with videography and really enjoying the process. I decided to dedicate a little time to developing this skill while I was in Culebra, PR and record some of my experience. 

Video is a medium that compliments photography, as most of the shots in this video are very similar to images I would normally create. The editing is a whole other issue of course (I’m guessing creating this video took me far longer than is appropriate), but I love being able to time the display of certain moments. Unlike photography, I feel I have more control over a viewers perception of images when timed with the music. With photographs, you have to rely on being able to captivate someone with only the visual, but video gives you a lot more to play with.

In this piece I featured Fog Lake‘s song “Lost Love Letters” from their Album Vertigo Indigo. Fog Lake is a one-man band from Canada that makes dreamy, experimental, ambient pop music. I love the sound and it worked perfectly for creating a reflective piece.

I’ve been enjoying the videography process so much that I’m designing a crash-course for myself to delve a little deeper into the medium! Friends and professionals BEWARE!  I will call on you to critique my work and generally give me feedback. Also, I encourage you to comment on this video or blogpost with some constructive criticism. Don’t worry, I made it through art school so it’s really unlikely that you could make me cry (things get pretty harsh in the Art Dept) – so dig in!

Special thanks to Dan Cox, Casey Blanchard, Nick Pierce and Sergio Molina. Especially Sergio, who let me film him flying!

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