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Eagle Camp Wedding in South Hero, Vermont – Molly and Alex

Molly & Alex married on a scenic Fall day in September at Eagle Camp in South Hero, Vermont.

You may have seen this published on Vermont Weddings.

“Alex and I met in September, so the fall has always been a special time of year for us.  This is what inspired us to choose a rustic fall themed summer camp wedding in The Champlain Islands.  The camp had little cottages located along Lake Champlain that the guests stayed in.  The leaves were just slightly starting to change color, however it was somehow 80 degrees.”

After the ladies finished getting ready and enjoyed a champagne toast, Molly and her mom were driving to their next location for group portraits when the song “Celebration” came on the radio. “It was the perfect moment.  We just danced and sang our hearts out together.”   

The couple arranged for a hay ride to bring the ladies to the ceremony, and painted lady butterflies joined the caravan. The ceremony took place in an apple orchard overlooking Lake Champlain.

Unfortunately, Alex’s sister and her husband were unable to make it the wedding due to pregnancy complications. Nevertheless, the family made the best of it, and had them on FaceTime for the entire wedding! The phone was passed around the crowd and they were able to be present. 

“The most emotional part of the day was when Alex’s mother read a speech they had written for us.  Luckily due to FaceTime they were able to watch from home.”

Autumn decorations set the tone for the wedding and the couple ended the night with a bonfire on the beach. 

Molly’s advice for couples planning their wedding is to not lose sight of what is important. “It is easy to get lost in others opinions.  Remember what the wedding is really about.  It is about you and your soon to be spouse.  Don’t stress out over the little things.  It most likely is not going to be perfect but sometimes the bumps along the way are what make it memorable.  Just have fun!”


Venue: Eagle Camp // Florals: Nectar & Root // Dress: Vows, Allure // Rings: Nazar Jewelers // Hair & Make-up: Erika Paluso // Bridesmaids: Etsy // Catering: Cook Sisters Cafe // Cake: Little Red Fox // DJ: Top Hat Entertainment



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