Illuminating remarkable stories with photography
that feels beautiful, sincere and intuitive

Portraits of Nora


While I was in Nicaragua, I became very good friends with Nora, a woman who was working at SOPPEXCCA. Marcela, Nora and I had dinner almost every night. I wanted to do a photoshoot with her where we explored some of her experiences in Nicaragua.

I wanted to create an image in her bedroom because it was not a space she particularly loved, but a place she slept every night and spent a lot of time alone in.


Outside her room in a small courtyard where people can hang their clothes. The colors were very complimentary. I wanted to take a classic portrait of her here with the empty clothes lines.


Nora and I discussed what it had been like to be in Jinotega for the past 8 months walking around the streets. There are only a few other people in the city who are white, and, as a young attractive female, she is constantly noticed and whistled at. Even though she had been living there for so long, this can be a very alienating experience. When she is walking alone, she often listens to headphones so she doesn’t have to listen to people talking at her.


I loved this location. The green walls and yellow guard window with dusk just falling, it felt like a typical location in Jinotega. I found out later that one of Nora’s friend’s son had been shot several months earlier a few homes over from our location.


This is a strong portrait of Nora, it shows her toughness. She lived in Mexico for three years and was now coming to the end of her stay in Jinotega for eight months.


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  1. […] While I was in Nicaragua working with Food 4 Farmers, I took a few self portraits in which I hoped to explore my emotions on the trip. You can read more about my expieriences in Nicaragua in blogpost 1, blogpost 2, or blogpost 3. […]

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