“Immediately after our first look and private vows, the winds picked up, they skies turned grey and there was rain on the horizon (the forecast had called for sun and zero percent chance of rain). The next couple of hours were a rollercoaster of emotions and decisions. At first, the radar looked gloomy and as though the storm wouldn’t pass for a while. The decision was made to move the flowers and “stumpaltar” from the ceremony field to under the tent. The groomsmen were tasked and they graciously – without complaint, in the pouring rain – moved everything themselves. Tom, our parents and some close family friends were carefully watching the radar carefully. They calmly walked in to the room full of bridesmaids to tell me that, unfortunately, we were going to have to do the ceremony under the tent. I was surprisingly cool, calm and collected. I took a swig of Whistle Pig and said “ok!”. “ – Sarah

Bride and groom portraits New Haven, Vermont



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